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Business representative

Our Customers

Khashouka Restaurant

We are happy to work with khashouka Restaurant (Abdon, Dabouq, Aqaba and Express) since 2018.


Our Good Network

We are Glad to be the Wesbite creator &  social media solution for Our Good Network.

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Personal Trainer Ahmad Ariqat

We are glad to work with Coach Ahmad Ariqat. We manage his Facebook and Instagram business pages, and within one month we succeed to raise the reach level more than 100K.

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We manage ASK USA Group on Facebook since 2015. The group now has over than 70K  members.

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Manar Zeitun Jewelry

We are Glad to be the social media solution for Manar Zeitun Jewelry.


ASK Nashama Group

We manage ASK NASHAMA Group on Facebook since 2014. The group now has over than 500K members.

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ASK Palestine Group

We manage ASK Palestine Group on Facebook since 2015. The group now has over than 130K members.

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©2022 by TechTouchJO.

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